high potential therapy
What is high potential therapy and benefit,Features,application
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High voltage electrical stimulation is another form of electrical stimulation used by our Toronto physiotherapists. The application of High Voltage is similar to IFC and TENS. However, due to the specific wave form, it is tolerated better and is commonly used in patients who have increased sensitivity to touch. There is substantial research supporting the use of High Voltage to increase blood flow to extremities. Therefore, there is an application for increasing blood flow to diabetic limb and the use of High Voltage in wound healing.
Chronic pain management
Diabetic wound healing
Foot pain
Non-infectious skin conditions
Upon processing with sophisticated technology,a high voltage negatively charged static electric field will be established, which will induce static effects and polarization in human body to fully restore the body’s resting energy.
The high-voltage negatively charged static electric field disrupts all the original distributions of electric charges within the body, resulting in the redistribution of the charges.The various components of tissue:water. electrolyte,colloidal molecules. etc.Will be moving freely among the cells due to changes in potential difference, producing a series of biophysical and biohemical changes,which will promote the physiological functions as well as changes to the morbid states of tissues and organs.This is enhance the body’s regulatory,adaptive, nourishing, immune and metabolic functions.
1 | Replenish the negative ions in the body and enhance the body’s biological energy. |
2 | Restore the morbid potential difference of cell membrane, so that the cells remain in a polarized state. |
3 | Stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and regulate autonomous nervous system disorders. |
4 | Activate gamma globulin and enhance the body’s immune system as wells as its natural healing power. |
5 | Remove vascular convulsions, and suppress sympathetic nervous systern secretion. |
6 | Relieve inflan)mation. pain, sedate the mind, induce sleep, promote healing of wounds, relieve skin allergy and itching so that the complexion remains always glossy and elastic. |
7 | Release electrons to get rid of free radicals. |
8 | Promotes the formation of ATP, activate the cells and enzyme functions. Activate the various coenzymes, expedite the disintegration and metabolisn) of carbohydrates. proteins and fats, promote oxidation reversion. |
9 | Reduce the burden of liver, activate the gastrointestinal tissues, and expedite the excretion of waste products and toxins. |
10 | Regulate the body’s state of equilibrium. Remove the ‘magnetizecreffects of physical magnetic fields. |
11 | Promote the oxidation reversion of blood stream, and maintain the optimal pH value of the blood. Revert the acidic substances to mildly alkaline (pH value between 7.36 to 7.44), improve the blood coagulation functions. |
12 | Improve the gas exchange functions of lungs, increase the activity of trachea cilia and secretory functions of mucous membrane. |
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