electric pulse physical therapy Review: [benefit]

![electric pulse physical therapy Review: [benefit] electric pulse physical therapy]()
How to operations the electric pulse physical therapy?
How to operations the electric pulse physical therapy?
Please operate in strict accordance with the following methods to ensure safe and
proper using the product
1. Emplace hosts. Flatly place the host on ventilation, dry easy-to-operation objects
(plastic or wooden tables and chairs). The host must maintain a distance of at least
20cm with the ground the wall. Host and energy pad must maintain a distance of at
least 1 m with computers and other appliances. It should be placed a insulated pad
on the ground for foot placing. See diagram
2. Connect energy pad and power source. Making energy sitting pad (mattress) set
smoothly on the plastic or the dry lignin chair (bed). The energy pad and wire cannot
touch with the ground, the spacing maintain above 20cm. Insert the plug into
220V/50Hz socket.
3. Turn on the host power source, Chinese character lightens the demonstration
completely, the host enters the readiness for action, the timer demonstration is
30:00 minute.
4. Function choice:
Before choosing high potential function, inserting the energy pad and effect pad input plug
into host’s high potential output hole, pressing the high potential key 7, the high potential output
may choose the 5000V,7000V,9000V of three kinds of intensities.
Before choosing negative potential function, inserting the energy pad and effect pad input plug
into host’s negative potential output hole, presses the negative potential key 8, the negative
potential output may Choose-5000V,-6000V,-7000V of three kinds of intensities.
Before choosing intermediate potential function, inserting the energy pad and effect pad input
plug into host’s intermediate potential output hole, presses the intermediate potential key 9,
intermediate potential output specification are 2800Vp-p,80KHz.
When using the intelligent treatment, making the energy pad high pressure input
line’s plug inserts into the host’s high potential output hole/negative potential output
hole, pressing the intelligent key 11, electric potential output intensity is made by
5 minutes gap intelligence circulation of output high potential/negative potential.
5. Adjusting time. Presses the time key to set the time, presses to hand over by
10 minutes/grade for each time, from default 30:00, to 40:00, 50:00 ……
Until 90:00 increasing. The most greatly fixed time for the countdown time is
90 minutes. When countdown, the time demonstrates for the first two digital
presentations are minutes, the latter two digital presentations are seconds.
After arriving at 90:00, presses one time to return to 0:00 again. 0:00 indicated
enters the sleep function of time reference point. The sleep function is started by
0 hours 00 minutes. When sleep function, the first two digital presentation are hours,
the latter two digital presentation is minutes, the max time work is up to 12 hours,
it will close the sleep function after 12:00.
After setting treatment function and treatment time, after pressing start/stop
key, the machine starts to work, the timer countdown, after the period of using
arrives, the buzzer sounds 10 times to remind the treatment has completed and
withdraw from this treatment function.
From step 4 to operate if the user would like to operate continuously.
After setting treatment function and treatment time, if the user do not press
start/stop key after 20 seconds, the machine would withdraw selected treatment
function and treatment time
7. The anoin treatment function may use with the above function, also may use
8. After using, please switch off the host power, separate the power point; make
the host at the power-off condition.
![electric pulse physical therapy Review: [benefit] electric pulse physical therapy]()
What is electric pulse physical therapy (High voltage galvanic therapy)?
What is electric pulse physical therapy (High voltage galvanic therapy)?
“Galvanic” is often said to mean Unidirectional (Direct) current or DC, but it is more specifically a constant or unvarying DC that defines Galvanic. Unlike TENS and related treatments, Galvanic uses constant direct current (DC). Galvanic stimulation is a method of applying high voltage, but overall low amperage, direct current to alleviate pain, stimulate blood flow, and promote wound healing. Frequently used for injuries that are associated with bleeding or swelling, it is known by a number of other names including HVG (High Voltage Galvanic), HVGS (High Voltage Galvanic Stimulation), High voltage galvanic therapy (High Voltage Pulsed Galvanic Stimulation), HVS (High Voltage Stimulation), and DC (Direct Current Stimulation).
Galvanic stimulation combines very short pulse duration (of constant intensity) and high peak voltage, yet low total current per second, to give relative comfort and avoid tissue damage while stimulating deep tissues. It is also an efficient means of exciting nerve fibers.
With its constant unidirectional current flow, High Voltage Galvanic’s oppositely-charged electrode pads set up a reaction that calls to mind hot and cold packs for injuries. The positive pad is like ice, tending to reduce circulation to the area under the pad and reduction in swelling. The negative pad is like heat, promoting increased circulation, reportedly speeding healing.
High-voltage pulsed galvanic stimulation (High voltage galvanic therapy) is gaining widespread use for wound healing, edema reduction and pain relief. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Diabetic Foot are two major areas of use. Devices in this class are characterized by a unique twin-peak monophasic waveform with very short pulse duration (microseconds) and a therapeutic voltage greater than 100 volts. The combination of very short pulse duration and high peak current, yet low total current per second (Microcurrent) allows relatively comfortable stimulation. Furthermore, this combination provides an efficient means of exciting sensory, motor and pain-conducting nerve fibers. Perceptual discrimination of those responses is relatively easy to achieve and thus its clinical versatility.
![electric pulse physical therapy Review: [benefit] electric pulse physical therapy]()
What 8d nls Range?
What 8d nls Range?
electric pulse physical therapy can be used by anyone who is interested in quickly and effectively examining the health of their patients, clients, friends, family or employees. Accurate analysis is the driving factor of our company and no matter whom you are or what you do, you will be well informed with the information you will gather from the electric pulse physical therapy device, and so will everyone you work with.
Remember that the information is being gathered on a cellular level, and the beauty of this method of diagnosis is that before anything is manifested, it is found.
People who fall under any of the following categories are welcome, advised and will find benefit in using and having a electric pulse physical therapy bio feed back device.
Where use 8d nls ?
(1) Family Doctors:
The device allows detecting and monitoring the expression of genetically caused diseases among all family members
(2) Clinics and Medical Units
Greatly increases the efficiency of clinical examination and the initial reception. Significantly lower costs of finance and time. Physicians are exempt from routine and often formal work. No need to send your clients to other specialists, you can assist them by examining all the concerns they have and providing treatment, and healing methods.
(3) Education Facilities and Schools
Becomes a real continuous monitoring of the health of all children and staff at intervals of not less than once a month, the ability to assess the adequacy of student’s health.
(4) Sports,Recreation Centers and Fitness Facilities
Objective medical monitoring is required whenever there is a serious exercise. This equipment allows us to create an individual program, taking into account features of the organism.
(5) Family and Friends
electric pulse physical therapy is a great tool to monitor the health of your family and friends. Provides means of checkup, treatment and healing without having to spend large amounts of finances on health care services.
(6) Cosmetic and Spa Salons
Concern about the health of its customers – a very strong competitive trump card. Objective assessment of the client can choose individual cosmetic program and achieve impressive results.
Business Organizations
supermarket, large-scale shopping malls, exclusive agency, chain shops, large-scale sales, star-rated hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, pharmacy.
Financial Organizations
Banks, negotiable securities, funds, insurance companies, pawnshops;
Non-profit Organizations: Telecommunications, post offices, hospital, schools;
Public Places
subway, airports, stations, gas stations, toll stations, bookstores, parks, exhibition halls, stadiums, museums, convention centers, ticket agencies, HR market, lottery centers; Real Estate Property: Apartments, villas, offices, commercial buildings, model rooms, property brokers;
Movie theaters, fitness halls, country clubs, clubs, massage rooms, bars, cafes, Internet bars, beauty shops, golf course
![electric pulse physical therapy Review: [benefit] electric pulse physical therapy]()
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![electric pulse physical therapy Review: [benefit] electric pulse physical therapy]()
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