Maikong High voltage therapy

Why We Use galvanic voltage

What is galvanic voltage Advantages?

What is galvanic voltage Advantages?

1.Purify blood
2.Improve minicirculation
3.Adjust autonomic nerves
Wholesale China merchandise high voltage electrostatic therapy
4.Active cells
Wholesale China merchandise high voltage electrostatic therapy
5.Decline the free radical
6.Enhance immunity
7.Adjust endocrine
8.Promotes metabolism

WHAT IS galvanic voltage?

WHAT IS galvanic voltage?
The Negative Potential Therapy will put the human body in the negative high potential electrostatic field and it will generate negative ions to work on the human body to balance the pH level: making the blood more alkaline and causing a rise in proportion of calcium, consequently it will decrease the viscosity of the blood and purify the blood; activate the cell by activating the ATP enzyme in the membrane of the cell; tone the autonomic nerve; supply the static energy needed by the human body.

Who can use the galvanic voltage?

Who can use the galvanic voltage?

1. Family doctors
2. Clinics and medical units
3. Education facilities schools
4. Sanatoriums
5. Sports, recreation facilities
6. Spa and cosmetic centers
7. Health food direct-selling workers

When you use high or galvanic voltage Features?

When you use high or galvanic voltage Features?

galvanic voltage Device

Scientific practice has proved that appropriate intensity of the electric field has a favourable impact on human body cells. Based on this biomedical theory, high potential thepeutic equipment place people in the high voltage low frequency alternative electric field, then the body cells, body fluid, nerves would discharge silently affected by the electric field; the combined effect of air ion flow and ozone put the body zwitterion and electric doublet in a right order according their nornal valu

Negative Therapy

Electromagnetic therapy device high voltage electrical apparatus Function Mechanism of Negative Therapy: Several thousand high-voltage negative electricity makes the output side discharge silently, which produce powerful negative ions. After negative ions enter the human body, they make excellent regulation and recovery of the nervous system of the whole body and gradually adjust the acidized morbid physique to a weak alkaline physique.

Electromagnetic therapy device high voltage electrical apparatus

Balance PH-value, purify the blood, activate the cell, tone the automatic nerve, supply the static energy needed by the human body and feel the forest bathing.Make the body keep balance and show a vigorous status

Was wird mit Hilfe von galvanic voltaget?

Was wird mit Hilfe von galvanic voltaget?

Alle Organe
Blutgefäße einschließlich der Herzkranzgefäße
Nervensystem einschließlich Rückenmark und Gehirn
Parasiten, Pilze, Bakterien, Viren
Blutbestandteile, Hormone und Enzyme
Biochemische Blutanalyse
Vergleich mit vorangegangenen Untersuchungen


Früherkennung von sich anbahnenden und chronischen Störungen der Körperfunktion
Ursachenanalyse: Störfelder, Parasiten, Bakterien, Mykosen, Viren
Erkennung der energetischen Disbalance
Erkennung der Allergene
Erkennung der genetisch bedingten Lebensmittel-Unverträglichkeit
Erkennung der Toxinbelastung: Schwermetalle, Umweltgifte, usw.
Mangelerscheinungen: Vitamine, Mineralien, Spurenelemente
Hinweise auf das Blutbild
Zustand des Darmmilieus
Hinweise auf psychische Belastungen
Zusammenstellung eines optimalen Ernährungsprogramms zur Verbesserung des Allgemeinzustandes.

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