MAIKONG high potential therapy harga what it and how to work?
![MAIKONG high potential therapy harga]()
MAIKONG high potential therapy harga
![MAIKONG high potential therapy harga]()
MAIKONG high potential therapy harga
![MAIKONG high potential therapy harga]()
MAIKONG high potential therapy harga
What is MAIKONG high potential therapy harga?
Latest multi-functional device invented from research and development in Japan
Produces electric energy and negative ions to activate cells, increase metabolism, repair weak cells, promote blood circulation, and strengthen immune system
Multi-functional device that can generate electric energy that is useful to reactivate more than 230 types of cells in our body
Negative ions also adjust and recover weak cells
MAIKONG high potential therapy harga Device
Scientific practice has proved that appropriate intensity of the electric field has a favourable impact on human body cells. Based on this biomedical theory, high potential thepeutic equipment place people in the high voltage low frequency alternative electric field, then the body cells, body fluid, nerves would discharge silently affected by the electric field; the combined effect of air ion flow and ozone put the body zwitterion and electric doublet in a right order according their nornal valu
Negative Therapy
Electromagnetic therapy device high voltage electrical apparatus Function Mechanism of Negative Therapy: Several thousand high-voltage negative electricity makes the output side discharge silently, which produce powerful negative ions. After negative ions enter the human body, they make excellent regulation and recovery of the nervous system of the whole body and gradually adjust the acidized morbid physique to a weak alkaline physique.
Electromagnetic therapy device high voltage electrical apparatus
Balance PH-value, purify the blood, activate the cell, tone the automatic nerve, supply the static energy needed by the human body and feel the forest bathing.Make the body keep balance and show a vigorous status
![MAIKONG high potential therapy harga]()
MAIKONG high potential therapy harga
![MAIKONG high potential therapy harga]()
MAIKONG high potential therapy harga
![MAIKONG high potential therapy harga]()
MAIKONG high potential therapy harga
![MAIKONG high potential therapy harga]()
MAIKONG high potential therapy harga
What MAIKONG high potential therapy harga device Working Principle?
Potential therapy instrument mainly adopts high-potential, negative potential, imitated natural electric field built by mid-frequency, to make the people under treatment back to the nature,repairing various disorders and obstacles caused by the damages of natural environment.After processing by this instrument, the alternating current (AC) is transformed to AC high voltage alternating electric field, which can make all parts of the user vibrated subtly, therefore the imbalance of the body tissues and organs are fully recovered, the inherent healing capacity of human is improved, the cells will be activated effectively,the nerve conduction function will be strengthened, and the gastrointestinal motility will be accelerated so as to achieve the treatment of chronic constipation. By means of artificial method, the electric field with high vibration frequency is acted to the human body, spreading around the user and generating stable mid-frequency electromagnetic field of AC high-voltage negative electricity so as to promote blood circulation,unclogs the collaterals, release pain and etc.When using negative high voltage output, the negative high voltage electric field will break the original charge distribution of body, the changed charge swims among the issues and the cells then results in a series of biologicalphysicalchemical changes which will promote the biological functions and pathological state of the tissues, and organs, makes parasympathetic excited to regulate vegetative nerve functional disturbance thereby treat neurasthenia, headache, insomnia etc.
1 The MAIKONG high potential therapy harga device simulates and rebuilds the natural electric filed mainly through the high potential, negative potential, anion, and intermediate frequency potential. Through such method, it helps you to repair body disorders and obstacles that are brought about by the destruction of natural environment.
2 The device can change the alternating current to form the AC high voltage alternating electric field. Under the function of the alternating electric field, subtle vibration will occur to any body part of the user, balancing the body tissues and organs as well as improving the intrinsic natural healing capacity. As a result, the effectively activated cells and the enhanced nerve conduction function will promote the gastrointestinal peristalsis, achieving the curative effect on the chronic constipation.
3 Moreover, the MAIKONG high potential therapy harga device can promote the blood circulation, activate collaterals, relieve pain, etc. It also offers an effective solution to the neurasthenia, such as headache, insomnia, and so on,
Use of High Voltage Pulsed Galvanic Stimulation for Patients with Levator Ani Syndrome
Levator ani syndrome is characterized by brief, intermittent pain and discomfort in the perirectal or rectal region that can be aggravated by sitting. Physical therapists are beginning to receive referrals for pain reduction in this patient population. The purpose of the study was to examine the use of high voltage pulsed galvanic stimulation (HVPGS) for reducing symptoms in patients with levator ani syndrome. A descriptive research design was used. Treatment consisted of one hour of HVPGS at a frequency of 120 Hz and at an intensity to the patient’s maximum tolerance applied through a rectal probe. Results on 28 patients indicate that 50% had pain or symptom relief, or both, after an average of eight treatments. Those patients who were unresponsive to treatment had a primary diagnosis of irritable colon or were postsurgical. We are continuing to examine this treatment and will conduct follow-up examinations on those patients who obtained pain relief. Based on these preliminary results, we believe that HVPGS is an effective treatment for selected patients in this population.
![MAIKONG high potential therapy harga]()
MAIKONG high potential therapy harga
![MAIKONG high potential therapy harga]()
MAIKONG high potential therapy harga
![MAIKONG high potential therapy harga]()
MAIKONG high potential therapy harga
![MAIKONG high potential therapy harga]()
MAIKONG high potential therapy harga
Who need the MAIKONG high potential therapy harga?
Senile disease:
High blood pressure, high blood fat, coronary heart disease, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, apoplexy, sequela. Etc.
Disease in the gastrointestinal tract:
Stomach upset, astriction, etc.
People of sub-health:
Menopausal syndrome, persistent fatigue, asthenia, sleeplessness, non-organic disease, poor appetite, etc.
People of good -health:
To relieve fatigue, prevent disease, keep fitness and build body
Rheumatoid arthritis, weakness due to long illness, etc.
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