Maikong High voltage therapy

electric field therapy side effects

electric field therapy side effects

History of Electric Field Therapy (EFT)

The past 30 years have seen an amount of research in the relations between electricity, electromagnetic fields and living organisms. Esteemed researchers and a multitude of respected scientists have shown that abnormal physiology is accompanied by abnormal electrical charge.

While in Western Medicine the concept of energy How in the body has been largely forsaken, many healing traditions from around the world are based on the balance and lions of energy.

The basic Mem in these systems of healing is that illness is caused by an imbalance in the flow of energy in the body and that restoration of normal energy flow can hep restore health. Our bodies are continually producing minute D.C.aurents through both mechanical and chemical means.These currents follow the paths of least resistance which are in essence like an electric gild for the body,This is how, for example, the ECG is made possible.
One very significant effect of Electrostatic that it moves water.With our bodies being about 70% made out of water, anything that has a storng effect on water can profoundly influence the physiology.

electric field therapy side effects

MAIKONG high potential therapy wk 2079

How the Electric Field Therapy works?

EFT is a simple, non-invasive technique using static electricity which produces fast demonstrable clinical results. The theory is that when an electric filed with high voltage AC is applied on a human body, cells metabolism is stimulated by supplementing ions and the Acid-Base Balance of Electolyte in blood results adjusted.

The H+ flow of ions in the organism cars optimally be clirected.This is important because beside others, the co-ordinates of enzyme, the Ca++houselsold, tire proteins of transportation in the blood and the general acid-base-homeostasis depend on these flows of protons and ions.

Abnormal physiology is associated wills abnormal electrical activity.Correcting the abnormal electrical activity facilitates restoration of normal physiology.

Electric Field Therapy apparatus apply safe levels of high AC voltage potential to the body and create an electrical field around it.This electric field stimulates the sensory receptors in the skin, which in turn stimulates the hypothalamus and other areas of the brain, to promote homeostatic functions. Also, the electric field generates minute amounts of induced current, which permeates the body and stimulates the metabolism.


electric field therapy side effects

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What electric field therapy benefits and who need it?

Suitable for people who want to live healthy:

Whole family who want to live healthy and better, stay away from diseases.
Children and school age student need to have high concentration in study and reduce fatigue.
Elderly who want to live longer life, active and repair weak cell and stay away from disease.
People who stay in city, full of air pollution, lacking fresh air, and stressful environment and work.
People who work in office air-conditioned room, lacking fresh air and lack of movement.
People who lack of time to exercise regularly and routinely.
People who seldom go to mountain area.

And also helps people who have health problems, e.g:

Diabetic, stroke, arthritis, heart disease, migraine, osteoporosis, muscles stiff and joint pain, kidney disease, cataract, asthma, cholesterol, rheumatic, irregular menstrual, skin sensitive, and others.

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