Forget estim physical therapy: Try This Instead

estim physical therapy Suitable for people who want to live healthy
estim physical therapy Suitable for people who want to live healthy
Whole family who want to live healthy and better, stay away from disease.
Children and school age student need to have high concentration in study and reduce fatigue.
Elderly who want to live longer life, active and repair weak cell and stay away from disease.
People who stay in city, full of air pollution, lacking fresh air, and stressful environment and work.
People who work in office air-conditioned room, lacking fresh air and lack of
People who lack of time to exercise regularly and routinely.
Person that is less go to mountain area.

What is estim physical therapy Structure and Components Features?
What is estim physical therapy Structure and Components Features?
1. Time display: The default display time shows 30:00, which means 30 minutes.
Countdown—–decreasing for every second; Time adjustment——–10min/gear increasing
2. Intelligent treatment display: When treat on an intelligent mode, the intelligent fan symbol displays on clockwise rotation.
3. IF electric potential output display: When working on IF electric potential function treatment, IF electric potential waveform symbol flashes.
4. Negative ions output display: When working on negative ions function treatment, negative ions symbol flashes.
5. Potential display: Display the set high potential, negative potential output voltage.
6. On/Off key: After selecting the treatment function, press “On/off” for first time, counting and treatment starts, pressing again, stop the treatment function, and then stop working and restore the default time.
7. High potential key: Pressing it for first time, potential shows in 5000, pressing for second time, shows in 7000, pressing for third time, shows in 9000, pressing for the fourth time, shows in 5000, and then following by circulation.
8. Negative potential key: Pressing it for first time, potential shows in -5000,pressing for the second time, shows in -6000, pressing for the third time, shows in -7000, pressing for the fourth time, shows in -5000,and then following by circulation.
9. Potential key: After pressing it, the IF potential characters and waveform symbols light up.
10. Negative ions key: After pressing it, negative ions characters and waveform symbols light up.
11. Intelligent key: After pressing it, intelligent symbol shows in red fan symbol, potential shows in 5000.
12. Time key: After selecting function keys of 7 to 11, pressing this key and then setting time.
13. High potential output jack: Connection with energy effect pad, controlling high potential output intensity by the key.
14. Negative potential output jack: Connection with energy effect pad, controlling negative potential output intensity by the key.
15. Potential output jack: Connection with energy effect pad, selecting the controlled output by key.
16. Output jack: connecting with the pain releasing handle. Coordinating with the pain releasing handle to have partial treatment when using the high potential and negative potential function.
Note: 1. Negative irons therapy instrument is portable USB plug-in type, and it is not standard configuration. Customers may buy this instrument as needed.
2. Due to factor of technical improvement, the actual appearance, size and key setting may vary for the product, the above diagram is only for reference when using.

Use of estim physical therapy for Patients with Levator Ani Syndrome
Use of estim physical therapy for Patients with Levator Ani Syndrome
Levator ani syndrome is characterized by brief, intermittent pain and discomfort in the perirectal or rectal region that can be aggravated by sitting. Physical therapists are beginning to receive referrals for pain reduction in this patient population. The purpose of the study was to examine the use of high voltage pulsed galvanic stimulation (HVPGS) for reducing symptoms in patients with levator ani syndrome. A descriptive research design was used. Treatment consisted of one hour of HVPGS at a frequency of 120 Hz and at an intensity to the patient’s maximum tolerance applied through a rectal probe. Results on 28 patients indicate that 50% had pain or symptom relief, or both, after an average of eight treatments. Those patients who were unresponsive to treatment had a primary diagnosis of irritable colon or were postsurgical. We are continuing to examine this treatment and will conduct follow-up examinations on those patients who obtained pain relief. Based on these preliminary results, we believe that HVPGS is an effective treatment for selected patients in this population.

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Whatestim physical therapyGeneratingestim physical therapynegativeestim physical therapyionsestim physical therapytoestim physical therapyworkestim physical therapyonestim physical therapytheestim physical therapyhumanestim physical therapybody?
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estim physical therapyestim physical therapyestim physical therapyestim physical therapyDecreasesestim physical therapytheestim physical therapyviscosityestim physical therapyofestim physical therapytheestim physical therapybloodestim physical therapyandestim physical therapypurifyestim physical therapytheestim physical therapyblood
estim physical therapyestim physical therapyestim physical therapyestim physical therapyPromotesestim physical therapybloodestim physical therapycirculationestim physical therapyandestim physical therapybody’sestim physical therapymicro-circulation
Highestim physical therapyvoltageestim physical therapynegativeestim physical therapypotentialestim physical therapystaticestim physical therapyelectricestim physical therapyfieldestim physical therapyincreasesestim physical therapytheestim physical therapybloodestim physical therapycell’sestim physical therapyelectricestim physical therapypotential.estim physical therapyNegativeestim physical therapyionsestim physical therapycanestim physical therapyreduceestim physical therapytheestim physical therapydensityestim physical therapyofestim physical therapyplatelet,estim physical therapylowerestim physical therapybloodestim physical therapyviscosity,estim physical therapyandestim physical therapystrengthenestim physical therapyheartestim physical therapymuscles’estim physical therapycontractionestim physical therapypower.estim physical therapyMicro-vibrationestim physical therapywithestim physical therapyfrequencyestim physical therapyofestim physical therapy50-60estim physical therapytimesestim physical therapyperestim physical therapysecondestim physical therapyhelpsestim physical therapydecomposeestim physical therapysubstancesestim physical therapythatestim physical therapystickestim physical therapytoestim physical therapytheestim physical therapybloodestim physical therapyvesselestim physical therapywallsestim physical therapy(e.g.,estim physical therapyomegaestim physical therapy3,estim physical therapycholesterol),estim physical therapyenlargeestim physical therapybloodestim physical therapyvesselsestim physical therapyandestim physical therapytheestim physical therapycapillaries,estim physical therapysmoothenestim physical therapybloodestim physical therapyvessels’estim physical therapywalls,estim physical therapyandestim physical therapyreviveestim physical therapytheestim physical therapyelasticityestim physical therapyofestim physical therapytheestim physical therapybloodestim physical therapyvessels.
Redestim physical therapybloodestim physical therapycellsestim physical therapystickestim physical therapytogetherestim physical therapyandestim physical therapybloodestim physical therapythickensestim physical therapydueestim physical therapytoestim physical therapytheestim physical therapydistortionestim physical therapyofestim physical therapytheestim physical therapyredestim physical therapybloodestim physical therapycells,estim physical therapythereforeestim physical therapybloodestim physical therapyvesselestim physical therapyisestim physical therapyobstructed,estim physical therapytinglesestim physical therapywithestim physical therapynumbness,estim physical therapyandestim physical therapygivesestim physical therapyaestim physical therapycoldestim physical therapyfeeling.
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(Bodyestim physical therapyinestim physical therapyaestim physical therapystateestim physical therapyofestim physical therapyLowestim physical therapyAlkaline)
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