Was wird mit Hilfe von estim physical therapy modalitiest?
Was wird mit Hilfe von estim physical therapy modalitiest?
Alle Organe
Blutgefäße einschließlich der Herzkranzgefäße
Nervensystem einschließlich Rückenmark und Gehirn
Parasiten, Pilze, Bakterien, Viren
Blutbestandteile, Hormone und Enzyme
Biochemische Blutanalyse
Vergleich mit vorangegangenen Untersuchungen
Früherkennung von sich anbahnenden und chronischen Störungen der Körperfunktion
Ursachenanalyse: Störfelder, Parasiten, Bakterien, Mykosen, Viren
Erkennung der energetischen Disbalance
Erkennung der Allergene
Erkennung der genetisch bedingten Lebensmittel-Unverträglichkeit
Erkennung der Toxinbelastung: Schwermetalle, Umweltgifte, usw.
Mangelerscheinungen: Vitamine, Mineralien, Spurenelemente
Hinweise auf das Blutbild
Zustand des Darmmilieus
Hinweise auf psychische Belastungen
Zusammenstellung eines optimalen Ernährungsprogramms zur Verbesserung des Allgemeinzustandes.

What is estim physical therapy modalities Principle?
What is estim physical therapy modalities Principle?
1. Negative therapy-:Scientific practice suggests that the appropriate strength of the electric field will have a beneficial impact on each part of the body cells. The high potential therapy is based on the biomedical theory putting the body in a high-voltage alternating low-frequency electric field; then the cells, body liquid and nerves, which are affected by the synthesized functional silent discharge of the Electric field, flowing of the air ions and ozone etc, keep the anion cation balance according to the action of an electric dipole field. Multifunctional estim physical therapy modalities Apparatus can produce -6000V to -9000V electrical feild around the body by using high voltage static electricticity which makes the output terminal discharge silently. Thus they produces negative ions which make the indoor air fresh and regulate the blood circulation, nervous system, endocrine system, digestion and metabolism of the whole body. After negative ions enter the human body, they help excellent regulation and recovery of the nervous system of the whole body and gradually adjust the acidized morbid state to an alkaline state.The initial reaction of acidized blood flowing inside the body is to cause poor blood flow and may result in symptoms such as various aches and discomfort. At this initial stage ,many people ignore the body. As a result, the best therapeutic opportunity maybe lost due to delay .Balance PH-value purify the blood, activate the cell, tone the automatic nerve, supply the static energy needed by the human body.Helps keep the body in balanced vigorous.
2. Heat therapy-The basic method of Heat Therapy is to apply proper temperature to the feet, conduct heat to the deep part of the organism so that partial channels and acupoints get mild nourishing, blood circulates freely, and other functions are enhanced.The traditional Chinese medicine says:” the blood circulation will be improved if it’s hot, and it is curdled if it’s cold. To apply heat and dispel cold, to stimulate circulation to end stasis.” If it moves then there isn’t any pain; if there is pain, it does not move. Via far infrared Heat Therapy one applies appropriate temperature on the exterior skin, which stimulates and massages the acupoints of the foot, and consequently propels the blood circulation, strenghtens the endocrine system, eliminates pain. It can help rectify various diseases such as cardiovascular disease, neuropathic pain and endocrine dysracia.
3. Optical therapy-This high potential apparatus uses 76KHz medium frequency alteration electric field upon the body so that the fluctuation can evenly spread to the surroundings of the body, thus producing biological energy and help the body keep balance and work in a vigorous manner.Funtion Mechanism of Optical Therapy: at 76KHZ/second medium frequency electric field (light fluctuation energy) upon the body so that the fluctuation can evenly spread to the surrounding areas of the body producing biological energy.timulates and massagex the bodies cells, and make the body temperature rise 1-2 degrees. Use optimal mode for half an hour, it’s like doing outdoor aerobic exercise for 3 hour.
The 76000 Hz/sec micro vibration using light wave improves functions of the cells for the whole body, producing a heating effect and helping raise thebody temperature 1-2 degrees, smooth the blood, and strengthen the circulatory function; it also helps encourage the body to burn fat and achieve the result similat to that of body building and beauty treatment, and assist the body in keeping its natural balance balance and vigor.

What Benefits per Function estim physical therapy modalities?
What Benefits per Function estim physical therapy modalities?
No harmful side-effects and pain
Feel relaxed and comfortable in just 30 minutes to get rid of accumulated health problems
Suitable as daily health care therapy
Our body has active bio-electricity in our inner body. When we use high potential therapy, our whole body will absorb electricity energy from this equipment. Moreover, our body will be surrounded by electricity’s platform and reflected to our surroundings. Electric energy is useful to reactivate membrane cells more than 230 types of cells in our body. estim physical therapy modalities helps neutralize the excess positive charge, relax the body, restore the membrane potential essential for energy synthesis, and stimulate metabolism.
Revives and rejuvenates the cells of the whole body
Strengthens the cellular membranes’ electric potential, resuscitates the cells’ (-90mV) and helps good cellular movement, revives internal membranes, and helps with the faster flow of the electrodes for: faster synthesis of ATP and faster movement of the electrodes outside the membranes.
Increases metabolism, purifies body fluids, improves a person’s internal environment
Strengthens the functions of the vital organs, improves the releasing of the toxins inside the body, regulates a person’s body fluids to weak alkaline level (pH = 7.36 – 7.44), which removes the breeding ground for diseases, increases immunity and natural healing power.
Removes free radicals and toxins in the body
A person’s body has free radicals that can destroy the cells and disrupt the normal functions of the organs, thus damaging the cells and causing ailments. It increases the rate of ageing. Under the high potential therapy function, the person’s cells are revived and the body fluids in weak alkaline level is maintained. It is also effective in cleansing of free radicals, strengthening immunity, delaying ageing, improving physical beauty.

Who and Where need use the estim physical therapy modalities?
Who and Where need use the estim physical therapy modalities?
People who fall under any of the following categories are welcome, advised and will find benefit in using and having a estim physical therapy modalities device: Physicians, Naturopaths, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Dietitians, Licensed Nutritionists, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Physician Assistants, Integrative Medicine/CAM Program Directors, Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Complementary Medicine, Homeopaths, Massage Therapists, Medical SPAS, Wellness and Fitness Centers, Cosmetic Salons, Pharmacists, Medical Students and Faculty, Licensed Herbalists, Anti-aging and other Alternative Medicine Practitioners.No doubt, estim physical therapy modalities will be your new corporate business model in coming future. It conveys the positive effects and the deep impression on your clients, holds their attention and makes them come back again and again to your business circle. It creates a lot of benefits and makes a lot of money from the following ways in expanding markets on preventive medical fields, medical checkup and its follow-up products or peripheral commodities for a long-term period.