![e stimulation physical therapy Review: [benefit] e stimulation physical therapy]()
e stimulation physical therapy Multi Functional – Partial Pen
e stimulation physical therapy Multi Functional – Partial Pen
Old people saying: “pain means not smooth, smooth means not pain”. Partial pen therapy is to use partial pen to touch our body’s acupuncture points, you will feel like prodded by needle. Micro electric will flow into our body; the electric current will stimulate and dredge the meridians.
Suitable for meridian and acupuncture therapy.
Suitable for rolling massage therapy.
Suitable for scrapping massage therapy.
![e stimulation physical therapy Review: [benefit] e stimulation physical therapy]()
How to use the e stimulation physical therapy?
How to use the e stimulation physical therapy?
High Potential Therapy:
9000V: High,6000V: Low
Optical Therapy (76,000Hz):
1200V: High,950V : Low
Heat Therapy:
This a thermostatically control device and the temperature is kept at 65ºC.
![e stimulation physical therapy Review: [benefit] e stimulation physical therapy]()
THE 5 IN 1 FUNCTIONS OFe stimulation physical therapy
THE 5 IN 1 FUNCTIONS OFe stimulation physical therapy
Function 1 – High Voltage
Function 2 – Low Voltage
Function 3 – Negative Voltage
Function 4 – Light Wave Energy
Function 5 – Negative Ionizer
![e stimulation physical therapy Review: [benefit] e stimulation physical therapy]()
What e stimulation physical therapy Working Principle?
What e stimulation physical therapy Working Principle? how
Potential therapy instrument mainly adopts high-potential, negative potential, imitated natural electric field built by mid-frequency, to make the people under treatment back to the nature,repairing various disorders and obstacles caused by the damages of natural environment.After processing by this instrument, the alternating current (AC) is transformed to AC high voltage alternating electric field, which can make all parts of the user vibrated subtly, therefore the imbalance of the body tissues and organs are fully recovered, the inherent healing capacity of human is improved, the cells will be activated effectively,the nerve conduction function will be strengthened, and the gastrointestinal motility will be accelerated so as to achieve the treatment of chronic constipation. By means of artificial method, the electric field with high vibration frequency is acted to the human body, spreading around the user and generating stable mid-frequency electromagnetic field of AC high-voltage negative electricity so as to promote blood circulation,unclogs the collaterals, release pain and etc.When using negative high voltage output, the negative high voltage electric field will break the original charge distribution of body, the changed charge swims among the issues and the cells then results in a series of biologicalphysicalchemical changes which will promote the biological functions and pathological state of the tissues, and organs, makes parasympathetic excited to regulate vegetative nerve functional disturbance thereby treat neurasthenia, headache, insomnia etc.
![e stimulation physical therapy Review: [benefit] e stimulation physical therapy]()