6 electrostatic therapy machine Mistakes That Every [BLANK] Should Avoid

![6 electrostatic therapy machine Mistakes That Every [BLANK] Should Avoid electrostatic therapy machine]()
What electrostatic therapy machine Health benefits?
What electrostatic therapy machine Health benefits?
Stimulate cellular energy to achieve the optimal level, and improve the efficiency of cell metabolism, so as to ensure that cells live in an environment which is clean and beneficial for biological activity.
Prevent diseases by improving the defense mechanism of body’s immune system.
By enhancing the body immunity and fitness, we can capitalize on innate healing ability of ourselves to restore a healthy balance.
Clear the blockage of the meridians within the body and stimulate the acupuncture points so as to achieve the status of “Upon self-sufficiency with Qi, one need less eating”. By doing so, one may have less drive to eat in a natural way and achieve the effect of weight management in the long term, therefore avoid suffering from the diseases due to obesity or over-weight.
![6 electrostatic therapy machine Mistakes That Every [BLANK] Should Avoid electrostatic therapy machine]()
What Features of electrostatic therapy machine?
What Features of electrostatic therapy machine?
With two principles of treatment, Half Wave and High Oscillation, electrostatic therapy machine is equipped with four models of treatment.
1) Automatic Mode
Automatic Mode is the combination of Half Wave and High Oscillation modes, and is intelligence-controlled by microcomputer. It automatically switches between two modes every fifteen minutes. One can simultaneously experience the blend effects of both modes.
2) Partial Mode
Partial Mode is to convert Half Wave Mode into a lower intensity from (power intensity at level 3) to customize for household application and specific segments.
3) High Oscillation Mode
High Oscillation Mode is to convert the form of the electricity of 220V (50Hz) used in our daily life into several ten-thousands Hz, and then apply it to the human body. Such vibration evenly spread around the body to produce bio-energy (electricity, heat, etc).To stage on High Oscillation Mode is equivalent to doing aerobic exercise outdoors.
Produce thermal effects
Strengthen the immune system
Increase metabolic rate
Accelerate fat burning
Accelerate the blood circulation
Accelerate the removal of metabolic waste and toxin
4) Half Wave Mode
The meridians normally pass through the human body. When blockages exist on meridians, health problem will become inevitable. Chinese medicine practitioners use methods of Acupuncture to stimulate the acupuncture points to trigger the healing effects for specific part of the body, while the Half Wave Mode with high voltage remover blockage of meridians by electric current and further triggers a total and integrated healing effect. Since the electric resistances within the acupuncture points are relatively lower than other part of the body, the current smoothly flows along the meridians of the whole body through the acupuncture points. Whenever the circulation of any blood and “Qi” within the meridians blocks, its resistance will change. Like a stone may block and slow down water flow in a river, however, when water current force increases, the blocking stone will even be flushed away, So when the electric current enhances the flow of blood and “Qi”, which in return helps to clear the blockage in meridians and recover one’s body. In addition to the electric current produced along the user’s body, upon the operation of Half Wave Mode, the positive air ions around the user will be neutralized and removed. A large number of air negative ions are still in the room and increase in numbers, and this can bring tremendous health benefits to man kinds.
![6 electrostatic therapy machine Mistakes That Every [BLANK] Should Avoid electrostatic therapy machine]()
What Application areas electrostatic therapy machine?
What Application areas electrostatic therapy machine ?
.Chronic-degenerative illnesses of all kinds, autoimmune diseases,adjunct therapy to tumors.
.Weak immune system,chronic infections.
.Acute and chronic pain and inflammations.
.Fatigue,exhaustion,sleep disorders,depressions, migraine,psychosomatic illnesses, allergies,eczema, neurodermatitis.
.Hormonal disturbances, menopausal difficulties, PMS
.Old age illnesses.
.Pediatrics: growth problems, behavioral difficulties.
.Spinal symptoms:back pains,pains in joints, tensions, arthritis.
.Injuries,bone fractures
.Sports medicine, preparation for competition.
electrostatic therapy machine Recognizes and Treats:
.Osteo-skeletal system(bones,joints,muscles,etc.)
.Lymphatic system,lymph nodes individual
.Vascular system(coronary vessels,arteries,veins,capillaries).
.Nervous system,(brain,spinal cord,hypothalamus, pituitary)
.Urogenital system(kidney,bladder,ovaries,uterus, prostate)
.Respiratory system(lungs,trachea,bronchi,etc.)
.Digestive system (stomach,intestines,esophagus,liver,etc.)
.Endocrine system(thyroid,adrenal glands,etc.)
.Bacteria,fungi,viruses and parasites.
.Blood components,hormones and enzymes.
.Allergens and environmental toxins.
.Food ,berbs,homeopathics,pharmaceuticals etc.
The electrostatic therapy machine is already being used in; Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry, Sports Medicine, Fitness Consultants, Health Spa’s and Clinics, Homeopathic Clinics, as well as Rehabilitation Centres. The applications of the Metatron Rough Diagnostic System are truly endless, which is why this system is quickly becoming the necessary companion of practitioners looking to upgrade and future proof their respective clinics.
![6 electrostatic therapy machine Mistakes That Every [BLANK] Should Avoid electrostatic therapy machine]()
What is electrostatic therapy machine?
What is electrostatic therapy machine?
MAIKONG have produced the product with Multi Functional electrostatic therapy machine integrated with High Potential Therapy and Multi Functional Partial Pen Therapy. It not only faithfully plays a role of family doctor, but also creates a fresh and comfortable naturalenvironment artificially by means of the up-to-date research achievement ofelectro-biology and enable us todo exercise while sitting.
The benefits of using MAIKONG High Potential Therapy:
1. Revive cell and rejuvenate cells of the whole body
2. Increase metabolism, purify bodily fluids, improve a persons internal environment
3. Remove free radicals
4. Promote blood circulation and bodys micro-circulation
5. Strengthen body’s immunity
![6 electrostatic therapy machine Mistakes That Every [BLANK] Should Avoid electrostatic therapy machine]()
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