![6 e stim treatment physical therapy Mistakes That Every [BLANK] Should Avoid e stim treatment physical therapy]()
e stim treatment physical therapy FAQ
e stim treatment physical therapy FAQ
What is this machine and what are the benefits of using this machine?
This is a medical machine that can neutralize acidic blood and return it to mild alkaline. It has the dual function of providing treatment and prevention of illness.
How is it different when compared with massage machines?
The massage machines only provide partial treatment whereas Electric Field Therapy focuses on entire body treatment or “Root Treatment”.
Is this Electric Field Therapy harmful to the human body?
No, Electric Field Therapy is very safe to use as it only emits positive and negative charged ions that are found naturally in the human body.
Are there any side effects?
No, there are no side effects as no medications or injections are given, but in the initial stage of using the treatment, you may experience some healing crisis. These will only be a temporary ”detoxifying” response and you will soon recover.
What is “Healing Crisis”?
After starting the treatment and before full recovery of the illness, you may feel light headaches, heaviness, tiredness etc. These are normal detoxifying responses that will disappear soon.
What is the electricity consumption?
Its consumption is 30W, which is lower than Fluorecent lamp.
How long should you use the Electric Field Therapy each day?
It’s a good idea to start with an initial treatment time of 20 minutes and than gradually increase this time to suit your physical condition. No matter how brief the treatment time, it is essential that you continue the treatment daily, without missing a single day.
Can children also use it?
It can be used by anyone regardless of his or her age. As with adults, children need to adjust the treatment time according to their adaptability. For babies from 1 month old up to people ninety years of age, it is extremely relaxing and very safe.
What kind of illness can be treated with the Electric Field Therapy machine?
For people suffering insomnia, chronic constipation, headaches, shoulder, neck and back pain, it is 100% effective by using the machine daily it will purify the blood, improve total body circulation, balance the nervous system, improve overall health and prevent disease.
Will I become addicted to the machine?
No, it is not using chemicals or medicine, it is natural, using – IONS, the same electro-static electricity in your body.
How long can I use it?
It depends on your problem most people can use up to 3-4 hours whilst sleeping.
However, you must gradually and slowly increase the time.
Can women use it under menstrual cycle?
Yes, even better by removing the dry blood clots in the uterus. There will be more thicker darker blood, to prevent cancerous acidic elements.
Why using it sleeping?
While your body is lying in a level state your mind is meditating and relaxing thus allowing your body’s natural healing power to work. By using the machine it generates 3 times better effects and quicker results.
You can break up the different time frames, 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour in the afternoon and 1 hour at night. Average use while sleeping 2-4 hours.
Should I continue my medicine after undergoing the therapy?
Yes. Medicine prescribed by doctor should be continued.
Will the partial energizer cause any damage to nerves?
NO, it only works on the surface of your skin to remove blood clots by using a slight heating effect. Knowledge of acupuncture points is a plus but it can be learnt over time by practice.
![6 e stim treatment physical therapy Mistakes That Every [BLANK] Should Avoid e stim treatment physical therapy]()
What e stim treatment physical therapy Applications?
What e stim treatment physical therapy Applications?
Business Organizations-supermarket, large-scale shopping malls, exclusive agency, chain shops, large-scale sales, star-rated hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, pharmacy.
Financial Organizations-Banks, negotiable securities, funds, insurance companies, pawnshops;
Non-profit Organizations: Telecommunications, post offices, hospital, schools;
Public Places-subway, airports, stations, gas stations, toll stations, bookstores, parks, exhibition halls, stadiums, museums, convention centers, ticket agencies, HR market, lottery centers; Real Estate Property: Apartments, villas, offices, commercial buildings, model rooms, property brokers;
Entertainments-Movie theaters, fitness halls, country clubs, clubs, massage rooms, bars, cafes, Internet bars, beauty shops, golf course
![6 e stim treatment physical therapy Mistakes That Every [BLANK] Should Avoid e stim treatment physical therapy]()
What is e stim treatment physical therapy Benefits?
What is e stim treatment physical therapy Benefits?
suitable for people who want to live healthy:
Whole family who want to live healthy and better, stay away from diseases.
Children and school age student need to have high concentration in study and reduce fatigue.
Elderly who want to live longer life, active and repair weak cell and stay away from disease.
People who stay in city, full of air pollution, lacking fresh air, and stressful environment and work.
People who work in office air-conditioned room, lacking fresh air and lack of movement.
People who lack of time to exercise regularly and routinely.
People who seldom go to mountain area.
And also helps people who have health problems, e.g:
Diabetic, stroke, arthritis, heart disease, migraine, osteoporosis, muscles stiff and joint pain, kidney disease, cataract, asthma, cholesterol, rheumatic, irregular menstrual, skin sensitive, and others.
High Potential Function
e stim treatment physical therapy
“30 minutes has similar result like relax massage for 2 hours”
High potential function helps for stimulating blood circulation, regulating blood pressure and improving immune system. When micro electric intervenes human nervous system, endocrine system will automatically be regulated. Applying High potential function for 30 minutes has similar result like relax massage for 2 hours.
Negative Potential Function
e stim treatment physical therapy
“30 minutes has similar result like relaxing in forest for 3 hours”
Negative potential function helps to prevent arteriosclerosis, activate human body’s enzyme function, improve acidic body condition (from acidic body condition to low alkaline body condition, pH = 7.36 – 7.44) and remove free radicals in body. Applying Negative potential function for 30 minutes has similar result like relaxing in forest for 3 hours.
Optical Therapy Function
e stim treatment physical therapy
“30 minutes has similar result like doing exercises at outdoor for 3 hours”
Optical therapy function helps to repair body cell, increase metabolism of body cell and immune system will improve. Applying Optical Therapy Function for 30 minutes has a similar result like doing exercises at outdoor for 3 hours.
![6 e stim treatment physical therapy Mistakes That Every [BLANK] Should Avoid e stim treatment physical therapy]()
What is e stim treatment physical therapy Features?
What is e stim treatment physical therapy Features?
1.Complete functions
2.Permanent solutions
3.Comprehensive Organize
4.Easy use
5.Microcomputer control
6.Green treatment
7.No side effect
8.Effective treatment
![6 e stim treatment physical therapy Mistakes That Every [BLANK] Should Avoid e stim treatment physical therapy]()
What is e stim treatment physical therapy Mode Function?
What is e stim treatment physical therapy Mode Function?
“30 minutes has similar result like relax massage for 2 hours”
High potential function helps for stimulating blood circulation, regulating blood pressure and improving immune system. When micro electric intervenes human nervous system, endocrine system will automatically be regulated. Applying High potential function for 30 minutes has similar result like relax massage for 2 hours.
Micro Potential Sleep Mode Function:
Apply 60 minutes for Ultra Micro Potential Sleep Mode function has similar result as deep sleep for 2 hours”
Ultra Micro Potential Sleep Mode function can continuous use for 6 hours, can make your body fully rest. Apply it for long term, can helps to reduce blood stickiness, accelerate blood sugar decomposition, and regulate function of system endocrine, at the same time, it can improve your sleeping quality, balance your hormone, increase cell metabolism, make your stamina double.
Pain Relief Electric Stimulation Pen:
Apply this pen for partial body pain relief and relaxation, to move on the body parts forwards and backwards to release pain in a certain body part.
![6 e stim treatment physical therapy Mistakes That Every [BLANK] Should Avoid e stim treatment physical therapy]()